Call for Applications: SPAN Reading Group (Winter 2021)

readinggroup-button2We invite faculty, postdoctoral fellows, and graduate students to participate in a small, focused reading group (15 to 18 people) that will meet during Winter Quarter 2018. The topic for this year is “Applied Transgender Studies.”

We will meet five times during the quarter to discuss short texts (for example, three or four articles or book chapters per meeting) that explore the reading group’s theme. Meetings will be on the following Thursdays from 5:00-6:30 p.m.: January 14, January 28, February 11, February 25, and March 11. It is expected that participants will attend at least four of the five meetings, which will be held online via Zoom.

Application Deadline: Monday, November 23rd, 2020

ALL APPLICANTS must complete a brief online application. More information can be found here.

Now Accepting Applications: Reading Group Facilitators

The Sexuality Project at Northwestern (SPAN) is seeking a facilitator to lead a small, focused reading group (consisting of 15 to 18 people) on a theme of their choosing that will meet during Winter Quarter 2021. We invite applications from any faculty member with a continuing appointment who has research and teaching interests in the area of sexuality studies, broadly construed. Themes that address new research areas and directions will be particularly welcome. This year, we invite faculty members to submit either an individual application or a joint application with another faculty member, post-doctoral fellow, or advanced graduate student.

The facilitator(s) will, in consultation with the Co-Directors of SPAN, select a topic in the area of sexuality studies as well as a set of readings (3-4 articles/chapters per week) that explore this topic.

The reading group will meet five times during Winter Quarter on the following Thursdays from 5:00-6:30 pm: January 14, January 28, February 11, February 25, and March 4.

We are currently planning for all meetings to be held online, but that is subject to change, so please prepare your proposal accordingly. The reading group facilitator(s) must attend each session and actively engage in and promote the discussion of the assigned readings.

The facilitator(s) of the Reading Group will receive a total research stipend of $7500. Faculty members only will have the option of having their stipend converted into an equivalent amount of summer salary.

Application deadline: Monday, October 19, 2020. 

To apply, please send your name, department/program, contact information, and a brief description of your proposed topic (as well as a set of representative readings) to Cassilyn Ostrander at

For information on reading groups from past years, please click here.

CFP: Research Support for Graduate Students



The Sexualities Project at Northwestern (SPAN) is pleased to announce the availability of a limited amount of financial support to graduate students to assist with expenses related to research activities during the academic year including but not limited to books, equipment, and other supplies.  Students are invited to apply for up to $250 in support to offset expenses incurred in conducting research related to sexuality or sexual orientation.

Deadline: October 26, 2020

For application instructions and detailed information, please click here.