The following publications are based on research that was fully or partially funded by SPAN. To learn more about other recipients of SPAN funding, click here.
- Bartram, Robin. “Making Babies Pay Rent: Race Suicide, and the Subsidization of Whiteness Through Rental Housing.” Qualitative Sociology (2022): 1-20.
- Carrillo, Héctor, and Amanda Hoffman. (2017) “‘Straight with a pinch of bi’: The construction of heterosexuality as an elastic category among adult US men.” Sexualities.
- Carrillo, Héctor and Amanda Hoffman (2016) “From MSM to Heteroflexibilities: Non-exclusive Straight Male Identities and their Implications for HIV Prevention and Health Promotion.” Global Public Health 11, nos. 7-8: 923-936.
- Carrillo, Héctor. Pathways of Desire: The Sexual Migration of Mexican Gay Men. (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2017)
- Christian, Aymar Jean. The Value of Representation: Toward a Critique of Networked Television Performance. 2017. International Journal of Communication. 11, 1552-1574.
DeVito, Michael A., Walker, Ashley Marie and Birnholtz, Jeremy . 2018. “Too Gay for Facebook:” Presenting LGBTQ+ Identity Throughout the Personal Social Media Ecosystem. In Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction, Vol. 2, CSCW, Article 44 (November 2018). ACM, New York, NY. 23 pages.
- Doak, Connor. “The malen’kii chelovek [little man] in Almaty: Masculinity in Nariman Turebaev’s Films,” KinoKultura 54, Oct 2016.
- Doak, Connor. “The Emotion as Such: Un/masking the Poet in Mayakovsky’s Early Lyrics and Drama” in Behind the Masks of Modernism: Global and Transitional Perspectives, ed. Andrew Reynolds and Bonnie Roos. Gainesville, FL: University of Florida Press, 2016, 135–157.
- Doak, Connor. “What’s Papa For? Paternal Intimacy and Distance in Chekhov’s Early Stories,” Slavic and East European Journal 59.4, Winter 2015, 517-541.
- Enteen, Jillana, and Alyssa Lynne. “Thai trans women’s agency and the destigmatisation of HIV-related care.” Culture, Health & Sexuality 24.9 (2022): 1153-1167.
- Enteen, Jillana. Import/Export: Thai English as Transnational Sexuality Studies (Onyx Press, October 2015).
- Enteen, Jillana. “Transitioning Online: Cosmetic Surgery Tourism in Thailand” Television and New Media Studies 15:3, 2014.
- Epstein, Steven. “Governing Sexual Health: Bridging Biocitizenship and Sexual Citizenship.” Forthcoming in Kelly Happe, Jenell Johnson, and Marina Levina (eds.), Biocitizenship: Lively Subjects, Embodied Sociality, and Posthuman Politics (New York: NYU Press, in press).
- Epstein, Steven, and Héctor Carrillo. “Immigrant Sexual Citizenship: Intersectional Templates among Mexican Gay Immigrants to the United States.” Citizenship Studies 18, no. 3/4 (2014): 259-276.
- Epstein, Steven, and Laura Mamo. “The Proliferation of Sexual Health: Diverse Social Problems and the Legitimation of Sexuality.” Social Science & Medicine, online 14 July 2017 at
- Fitzpatrick, C. and Birnholtz, J. (2016) ““I Shut the Door”: Interactions, Tensions, and Negotiations from a Location-Based Social App,” Paper presented at the Conference of the International Communication Association (ICA), Fukuoka, Japan, June 9-13
- Fitzpatrick, C., Brubaker, J., and Birnholtz, J. (2015) “Social and Personal Disclosure in a Location-Based Real Time Dating App,” Proceedings of the 48th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Science, Kauai, HI, January 5 – 8 (nominated for best paper award).
- Fitzpatrick, C., Handel, M., Brubaker, J, and Birnholtz, J. (2014) “Identity, Identification and Identifiability: The Language of Self-Presentation on a Location-Based Mobile Dating App,” in Proceedings of the 2014 Conference on Mobile Human-Computer Interaction (MobileHCI), Toronto, Canada, September 23-26, pp. 3-12.
- Forstie, Clare. 2017. “Ambivalently post-lesbian: LBQ friendships in the rural Midwest.” Journal of Lesbian Studies.
- Forstie, Clare. 2017. “A New Framing for an Old Sociology of Intimacy.” Sociology Compass.
- Forstie, Clare and Gary Alan Fine. 2017. “Signaling Perversion: Senator David Walsh and the Politics of Euphemism and Dysphemism.” Sexualities.
- Ghaziani, Amin and Ryan Stillwagon. 2018. “Queer Pop-ups.” Contexts 17(1):78-80.
- Green, Kai M. “The Essential I/Eye in We: A Black TransFeminist Approach to Ethnographic Film,” Kai M. Green, Black Camera, 6, no. 2 (Spring 2015) (pp. 187-200).
- Hartman, Beth. “Playing the Fool? The Challenges of Conducting Ethnographic Research on Stripping,” International Journal of Communication 7 (2013), Feature 2482-2494, USC Annenberg Press.
- Hartman, Beth. “Taking It Off for Fun: Striptease, Leisure, and Labor in the Midwestern U.S.,” in Reflecting on America:Anthropological Views of U.S. Culture, 2d edition, edited by Clare Boulanger, Left Coast Press (forthcoming).
- Kosbie, Jeffrey. Donor Preferences and the Crisis in Public Interest Law, 57 Santa Clara L. Rev. 43 (2017).
- Krell, Elias. “Is Transmisogyny Killing Trans Women of Color? Black Trans Feminisms and the Exigencies of White Femininity.” The Issue of Blackness. Special Issue. Transgender Studies Quarterly 4:2 (2017): 226-242.
- Krell, Elias. “White Noise: Joe Stevens Trans/forming Gender, Race, and Disability.” Voice Studies Handbook. Eds. Katherine Meizel and Nina Eidsheim. Oxford University Press, 2017.
- Krell, Elias. “‘Who’s the Crack Whore at the End?’ Performance, Violence, and Borderlands in the Music of Yva Las Vegass.” Text & Performance Quarterly 35.3 (2015): 5-41.
- Langes, Rae. “Cornholes and Corn Mothers: Cooking up Queer Futures in Anatural Birth,” GLQ: A Journal of Lesbian and Gay Studies 20, no. 4 (2014), Duke University Press.
- Leng, Kirsten. Sexual Politics and Feminist Science: Women Sexologists in Germany, 1900–1933. Cornell University Press, 2018
- Mamo, Laura, and Steven Epstein. “The New Sexual Politics of Cancer: Oncoviruses, Disease Prevention, and Sexual Health Promotion.” Biosocieties, online 16 May 2016 at
- Minor, Olive Melissa. “‘They Wrote ‘Gay’ on Her File’: Transgender Ugandans in HIV Prevention and Treatment.” Culture, Health & Sexuality 18.1 (2015): 1–15.
- Mitchell, Gregory. Tourist Attractions: Performing Race & Masculinity in Brazil’s Sexual Economy. University of Chicago Press. 2016.
- Mitchell, Gregory. “Evangelical Ecstasy Meets Feminist Fury: Sex Trafficking, Moral Panics, and Homonationalism during Global Sporting Events.” GLQ. Vol 22: No 3. 2016. 325-357.
- Mitchell, Gregory. “Economies of Masculinity: Variants of Male Sex Work in Urban Brazil” in Men Who Sell Sex: Global Perspectives. Eds. Richard Parker and Peter Aggleton. Routledge. 2014. 68-81
- Newcomb, M. E., Macapagal, K. R., Feinstein, B. A., Bettin, E., Swann, G., & Whitton, S. W. (2017). Integrating HIV prevention and relationship education for young same-sex male couples: A pilot trial of the 2GETHER intervention. AIDS and Behavior. Epub 1/12/2017.
- Norton, Aaron T. 2017. “Foreskin and the molecular politics of risk.” Social Studies of Science.
- Patterson-Faye, Courtney J. “ ‘I Like The Way You Move’: Theorizing Fat, Black and Sexy.” Sexualities Vol. 19, No. 8 (2016): 926-944.
- Patterson, Courtney J. “Is It Just Baby F(Ph)at?: Black Female Teenagers, Body Size and Sexuality,” in Contemporary Black Female Sexualities, Melancon, Trimiko and Joanne Braxton, eds. New Brunswick: Rutgers University Press, 2015.
- Rodriguez, Sarah. Female Circumcision and Clitoridectomy in the United States: A History of A Medical Treatment, University of Rochester Press.
- Russell, A. M., Galvin, K. M., Harper, M. M., & Clayman, M. L. (2016). “A comparison of heterosexual and LGBTQ cancer survivors’ outlooks on relationships, family building, possible infertility, and patient-doctor fertility risk communication.” Journal of Cancer Survivorship, 10(1).
- Scott, Karly-Lynne. “Performing Labour: Ethical Spectatorship and the Communication of Labour Conditions in Pornography,” Porn Studies, 3, no. 2. July, 2016.
- Scott, Karly-Lynne. “Orgasms Without Bodies” in World Picture 10 (Spring 2015).
- Vogler, Stefan. 2016. “Legally Queer: The Construction of Sexuality in LGBQ Asylum Claims.” Law & Society Review 50(4):856-889.
- Waidzunas, Tom, and Steven Epstein. “‘For Men Arousal Is Orientation’: Bodily Truthing, Technosexual Scripts, and the Materialization of Sexualities through the Phallometric Test.” Social Studies of Science 45, no. 2 (2015): 187-213.